Friday, August 30, 2013


Of course, as explicitly said in my previous post, I haven't had much time to go out and take work on photography recently. However, as an insurgent of conventional time management, I've gone out a bit and taken a few shots here and there for old time sake. Along with that, while I was processing my images I realized that there were still a few pictures that I haven't put up yet. Due to the scope of this betrayal, I've decided to put up this post in hopes of achieving redemption. Please accept the following set of highlights from my previous week, and months before as a gift.

Click on the READ MORE text to see some oldies/newsies.

Taken with my first "real" camera, the Olympus PL2.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Running Out Of Time

Disregarding the hyperbolic exciting developments on my video debut yesterday, I've come bearing more gifts! Below are actually some current/past pictures that I've been saving up for a good day. I decided to put a slightly different approach on the comments, and see if anyone mines if I write a bit more about each image. It's the challenge between telling a bit more about the background of the story (and most importantly, making everyone feel a little more involved), and detracting from the overall image by removing the mystique of it all. I'll find the balance eventually.

Slightly more importantly, I'll like to announce that I'll soon be posting less images on the blog due to school coming back up. There's always a sense of nostalgia and anxiety when something like the summer ends, and college first begins. While I hope to be able to continue what I feel to be a great hobby, I'm not sure if I'll ever have the time that I used to for maintaining this blog, taking images, and working on mini-projects among other things. But in a optimistic's note, there's always more time until there isn't and by then, it doesn't matter anymore.

Click on the READ MORE text to see some of my favorite pictures!

Was waiting awhile to post this one. I was waiting for someone and noticed that there was a great scene here-- albeit missing a subject. I mentally laughed about how great it would be if someone walked/ran through, right as I took this picture just as she ran up the stairs. I'm really happy how it turned out, with it's levels of dimensions, lighting, tonality, and even the subject getting right where I needed her to be. One of my favorite no less.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Two Days (VIDEO)

And it's here! As some of you esteemed guests have probably guessed, the project I've been working on was actually a video. I spent the last few days experimenting with the video features on my camera and decided that I could probably throw a video together in a pinch. 

Of course, the footage took place over two consecutive days of going out (albeit raining, they were supposed to be "shooting days"), and the post processing took another two days to sort things out. As it turns out, you really need to know what you're doing behind the scenes to get the most out of your image.

If this video is any type of successful, I hope to be able to create more videos in the future with a bit more fineness and ideally, some type of story.

I'm proud to say that I got permission from the artist of the track I used in the video, so I'll give special thanks to Evgeny Grinko for his fantastic "Other Child Room" in the album, Winter Sunshine EP.

Without further ado, feel free to watch the short I made by clicking the image below (I decided not to embed it because Vimeo doesn't allow HD playback on other websites without paying a monthly fee).

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Heatwave Hiatus (Part 3)

Apparently, this post didn't go up when I intended it to go up-- looks like I'm going back to full manual control again. Anyways, here's the final part of the set I made. I was pretty happy with pretty much all of the pictures in this set, save the fact that I missed the focus point a few times here and there. Along with that, these will be the last pictures that I put with from the Sony NEX-6. From now on, we're going back to my trusty old Nikon D90.

Click on the READ MORE text to see the last of us.